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- Phone: (0030) 697 445 8024 or (0030)
2 645 031 890
- If you are looking for a Job Oportunity contact me at
Stathis Vasilatos – Yacht Cafe Bar
My name is Syd.
I am the UK Agent for Skorpios Charter, based in Nidri. I live in Scotland.
Stathis, the owner of the Yacht Bar is a friendly and very helpful chap, with a good command of English.
His bar is a fine place to sit and relax with a drink while watching the world go by and the charter yachts manoeuvring to find a place at the quay.
Sailors can buy a card from Stathis that gives them power and water from the service points on the quay. In 2019 the card cost 10 euros and was still working after 2 days at the Vassiliki quay.